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Mugs from Butterfly Sonatas

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The butterfly images on these mugs were created from photographs of real butterflies and that are native to Missouri and much of the midwestern and eastern regions of the U.S. With only a few exceptions the flowers image are also native to Missouri.

All mugs are dishwasher/microwave safe and come with handmade hang tags printed on 50% recycled paper and tied to mug handle with natural hemp fiber.

The Latte Mugs are funnel shaped mugs. They each have a one word positive message along with an image of a butterfly and a flower.

See more Latte Mugs.

There are three series of regular shaped mugs - my Inspirational Series Mugs each have a positive, inspirational message imprinted on them, along with images of native butterflies and flowers.

See more Inspirational Mugs.

The Earth Series designs are all related to creating a peaceful, more healthy planet.

See more Earth Series Mugs.

And my Educational, or butterfly and caterpillar Series, each have an image of an adult butterfly on one side and its caterpillar on the other. Behind the caterpillar is a picture of a leaf of one of its host plants. The text below the images include the common and scientific names of the butterflies and host plant.

See more Educational Series Mugs.

The regular mugs are each available in either white, with a black rim and handle or with a black interior.

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Today is: 19 February 2025, 3:10 am